Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bet You Can't Have Just One

Last week Erin and I were surprised by a visit from our friends from Michigan.  We met them through Toyota, and our families have spent vacations together over the years.  They were driving cross country to move one of their siblings' stuff to San Francisco.  And since they were driving through and hadn't met our girls, they stopped in for an impromptu visit.  Basically their family is awesome in every way imaginable.

They were only able to hang around for a few hours in spite of our numerous requests to stay a little bit longer.  While they were here, the topic of kids came up (since one of the sisters is getting married next month) and what we'd consider the perfect amount came up.

We're not really at the point where we feel the desire or pressure to have more.  I definitely want to have a son, but I know that this is out of my control.  But it was great to have the discussion with this group because they have five siblings in the family, and they had four daughters before having a son.  I don't know that I'll be able to go that many rounds just to have a boy, but it seemed to work out great for them. 

I'm pretty sure we're not going to end up with five kids.  Erin will pull the "No mas" card long before we even get close to that point.

We all agreed that we feel bad for only children because they'll never know what it's like to have that relationship with a brother or sister in a big family.  I'm so thankful we had twins for this very reason.  They'll always have at least one person around their age to stand in their corner.  Friends aren't guaranteed to always be there, but a brother or sister is.

And as a parent I have to wonder, how do you stop at one?  We didn't have the option since we had two right away, but I feel like it wouldn't have even been an option if we started with one.  I look at how our girls interact with one another.  I see how they run up to each other to give hugs and kisses.  I also look back at my life growing up with an older brother and two younger sisters, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I can't imagine a child that didn't have that experience growing up.  I can't imagine a family really feeling like a family with only one child.  I'm glad that I don't have to.

1 comment:

Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust said...

Well...obviously I have a different perspective, having only one. But I know my daughters' view will be drastically different than mine.

I was an only child and LOVED it. Although, I must say, now that my parents are aging and dealing with all that comes with that, it would be nice to have a sibling to lean on. Because you're right; friends are just friends; siblings are different.

I wish Jordan could have a sibling...she was the kid made for one. But sometimes life hands you something else. I just hope that she does find good, lasting friendships, or that she's lucky and finds a good guy like her daddy that can become her rock. :)